The Alignment Problem: Creating a Healthy Experience

So now you are probably about a month or two into the academic semester as a new tenure track faculty. You may be experiencing a couple of things.

  1. Maybe the preparation you did for your course was not the way you wanted it exactly so you're rolling with the punches.

  2. Maybe you are teaching for the first time and you are trying to navigate that space.

  3. Maybe the research ideas are not flowing as you would like or you cannot find a good fit on where to submit a grant yet.

  4. You may be receiving service requests.

  5. You might even be trying to find students to help you do research.

All of this is normal to experience but makes it easy to fall into the alignment problem. What do you mean the alignment problem? Sometimes in academia, we find ourselves chasing the next big thing with respect to our professional development. We might be working long hours and it seems that most of our time is spent on well academic stuff.

Let's Reflect: When was the last time you took a break on the weekend? When was the last time you took time to work on or develop a hobby? How about hanging out with friends and family? or a big thing now do self-care?

If you answered I don't know to any of these questions then you might have an alignment problem.

So what does alignment look like? I want you to do an exercise.....I know more work but good work.

Step 1: Get a piece of paper and write down what you value (i.e. family, fun time, self-care etc.). You can also google values and also find different tables to help you come up with your main categories.

Step 2: Look at your current schedule for the week. We actually have 168 hours to utilize. Does your schedule line up with your values? If not what changes do you need to make?

Step 3: Re-calibrate your schedule to fit and aligned with your values.

Doing this simple exercise will help to create a healthy experience going through the tenure process. Some things you will see....

  1. Less Stress

  2. Spend more time doing the things you love

  3. Focus on things you are more passionate about and decline those things that do not align with your values and goals.

  4. You will be operating from a healthy space physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

  5. You will be able to give more because you are making space to pour into yourself.

I hope using this tool will allow you to enjoy the process more! If you have not heard it today you are doing great!

If you want to learn more tips, sign up for "The Early Career Faculty Webinar Series" by clicking on the link below. I will be sharing on various topics related to being a early career faculty.


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